Time Management Techniques for College Students

New college students often have trouble adjusting to campus life. Most students come from a grade school structure, where everything was scheduled. For these students, learning how to manage time is one of the biggest hurdles to overcome. Students are typically juggling a part-time job, social life and classes; they have to come up with their own ways to fit everything in efficiently. Students who learn to manage their time will be better prepared for a successful college experience.
  1. Scheduling

    • Students sometimes get ambitious when making their schedules. Too many classes can lead to dropping the ball in other areas of life. Four or five classes a semester is the maximum amount a student should take if she works or engages in extracurricular activities. Students should avoid taking classes that cover material they already know to avoid redundancy and boredom, which can lead to procrastination.


    • Many students fit in a part-time job at school for extra money. When looking for a job, the student should try to find one on campus to lessen the commute time. Some jobs have downtime; if he can, the student should read for school during his downtime. He should find a job that allows a fairly flexible schedule to accommodate classes and studying.


    • Students should read the syllabus of each class at the beginning, and familiarize themselves with the course schedule and expectations. Take advantage of downtime to fit in extra studying, and always include breaks in long blocks of study time. If you study difficult subjects first, you'll get them out of the way earlier. Set small, realistic, goals for study sessions, such as, "I'll spend 30 minutes reading this chapter, then 30 minutes studying what I've just read."


    • Trying to balance social activities with other priorities often tends to start the downward spiral in a student's inability to cope with college life. It's important for a student to know when to say no to social activities. Many students prioritize socializing and put studying on the back burner. Keep fun activities as rewards and motivators to finish work. Students need to study, but they also need to time to let loose and have fun. Reward yourself after a good study session by going out and spending time with your friends.

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