How to Speak Hebrew Fluently

Learning to speak another language fluently is always a challenge because you are starting from the basics. When planning a trip to a Hebrew speaking area or when you want to talk to someone in Hebrew, learning to speak it fluently is a necessity. There are several options to learn the Hebrew language.

Things You'll Need

  • Hebrew language CDs or CD-ROMs
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      Take lessons in Hebrew in a formal class through a school. This is a good option not only to learn the language, but also to practice the pronunciation with other people. In fluency, you need not only to understand others, but also be understandable to others. A formal class at a college, organization in the area that offers classes or even a local temple will help.

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      Use a language CD of spoken Hebrew or CD-ROM with both spoken and written Hebrew to learn the language. A CD or CD-ROM can allow you to understand, but you'll need to practice it on your own without the help of a teacher for pronunciation. Language CDs are often available through a local library. Otherwise, you can buy it in a bookstore or through online sources like eBay.

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      Talk to a native Hebrew speaker. Getting help from someone who is fluent after you know the basics will vastly improve your Hebrew-speaking skills much faster than continuing with a CD because you are using the language. A native Hebrew speaker can also correct your pronunciation.

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      Practice constantly. The only way a speaker becomes fluent in a new language is through constant practice and usage.

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