How to Make a Conclusion on an Outline for a Research Paper

The conclusion on an outline for a research paper identifies and synthesizes your findings and answers your research question. The difficulty lies in the fact that the outline is drafted early in the research process when conclusions are not yet self-evident. The trick to writing the conclusion is to do enough research to formulate tentative conclusions, recognizing they may change as your research progresses. The conclusions must demonstrate a sense of direction for the research paper.


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      Research your topic by finding at least the minimum number of sources required for the research paper. Review these sources to get a sense of points of controversy or debate. For example, if your topic is justice, you will discover there are very different perspectives on the meaning of the word justice.

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      Formulate a research question or questions. For example, if your topic is global warming, your research question might be: How will global warming affect agricultural production in California over the next 20 years?

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      Compose the answer to your research question based on your preliminary research. If your research question is "what are the causes of hip dysplasia in dogs," your answer is expressed as a conclusion. For example, "While the exact cause of hip dysplasia remains a mystery, genetics have been strongly implicated."

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      Write your outline. While you must follow the format required by your instructor, the conclusion usually comes at the end of your outline. Support your conclusion by identifying the appropriate research.

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