How to Start an Outline for a Research Paper

Starting an outline for a research paper can help one focus on the important information on a topic. With the help of an outline, students are able to organize and think clearly about their topic. Having an outline helps the writer figure out what ideas make sense and decide on the proper order for the information. The outline becomes a visual tool for the creator who can decide which points to support and whether there is enough evidence to support each point.

Things You'll Need

  • Paper
  • Pen
  • Books
  • Magazines
  • Journals
  • Computer
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    • 1

      Decide on the thesis statement of your research paper and begin listing all the reasons that you support this. Think of ideas why you believe the statement is true and write them on a piece of paper.

    • 2

      Start forming your written thoughts into a parallel structure using the Roman numeral system. Assign Roman numerals to the major reasons you support your topic.

    • 3

      Begin forming more details for each major section of your paper. Use capital letters to divide each section into subsections which will be used to form paragraphs that support each major section of your research paper. Assign numbers to each point you would like to discuss in each paragraph.

    • 4

      Begin using reference materials such as books, magazines, journals and online resources to gather information that supports the thesis statement of your research paper. Add any information that needs to be addressed to the outline of your research paper. Once you have fully researched the topic, you may find you have to tweak your outline according to what supporting materials you find.

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