How to Write to a College Financial Aid Office

Financial aid is necessary for most people who attend colleges and universities. People get financial aid from many different sources and they must learn about their financial aid from their university's financial aid office. Writing a letter to the financial aid office can be done for many reasons. You can apply for more financial aid, ask a question about your account, or ask for an extension on any repayment plan. The basic format of each letter is essentially the same.

Things You'll Need

  • Address of financial aid office
  • Envelopes
  • Computer with internet access
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      Address the letter to the head of the financial aid department by writing "Dear" followed by their name at the top. This helps to make your letter more personal than simply writing it "To whom it may concern" or "To the Financial Aid Office."

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      Start the body of your letter a few inches below the greeting and open by stating your name, your major, your grade (freshmen to senior or even graduate) and briefly discussing your progress at the university. This personalizes your letter by letting the head of the department know you more fully.

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      State your purpose for writing your letter as politely as you can. If you are writing for more financial aid, write "I appreciate all the hard work your office has done in getting me financial aid for this semester. but I am afraid it is less than I need and I need help finding more."

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      Provide evidence that supports the point you are making in your letter. Go into as much detail as possible to make your letter more effective. These points should include details such as living expenses, travel expenses or any problems you may be having financially. Make sure you stress how important your education and your goals are to you.

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      Finish the letter by politely thanking them for their time and signing your name at the bottom. Place it an envelope, write the address on the envelope, stamp it and place it in the mailbox.

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