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How to Compare PSAT Scores

The Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test (PSAT) is the qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship (NMS) and a predictor of SAT success. The NMS and admission to college are awarded competitively, which makes understanding how a student's score compares important.
  1. PSAT Scores Generally

    • The PSAT consists of three sections, reading, writing and math, each of which is given a score from 20 to 80 points. A student's overall score, also known as the Selection Index can therefore range from 60 to 240.

    Percentiles and the National Merit Scholarship

    • PSAT score reports include a percentile, which represents the percentage of test-takers whom any particular student scored higher than. The National Merit Scholarship program recognizes the 50,000 students with the highest selection index. While the exact score required varies from year to year, students with higher percentiles have a greater chance of being accepted into the program.

    SAT Prediction

    • While the PSAT and the SAT are not identical tests, they are designed similarly, and SAT scores range from 200 to 800 on each of three sections. This suggests that a student can expect an SAT score equivalent to her PSAT score times 10.

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