How to Pass TAKS

The TAKS test is Texas' standardized test as part of the No Child Left Behind testing craze. A child has to pass the TAKS test in 3rd, 5th, and 8th grades in order to be promoted on to the next grade. Some portions of the TAKS test, such as science and social studies, are "knowledge tests" which mean you can study and memorize information.

However, the TAKS test that must be passed for promotion are skills tests: reading and math. Students must use test taking tips to put their skills to good use. Studying and memorizing will not help. Here are test taking tips I have taught for years with great success on the TAKS test. For these test taking tips to be most successful, a child must be able to read at grade level and use thinking strategies. But these test taking tips will help a student do their best on the TAKS test format.


    • 1

      First, look at the titles of all the passages. Think about which ones look boring or hard and tackle them first. It may be that certain topics bore you or nonfiction passages are harder for you. Do those passages first, while you are fresh and at your best. You do not have to work in order from question #1 to the end.

    • 2

      Once you have picked a passage, circle or highlight the title, subheadings, underlined words, diagrams, pictures, and captions. Think about what the passage might be about to "warm up" your brain with what you already know on that subject.

    • 3

      Chunk the TAKS test passage. Draw a line every few paragraphs to divide the reading into smaller pieces that you can read without losing focus.

    • 4

      Don't read the story yet!! Turn to the questions and read them first. Underline key words in the questions. (Don't do this test taking tip with the third grade test where there is not a separate answer sheet. Marks near the bubbles may make the machine mark the answers as wrong. However, you can make marks in the story.)

    • 5

      In the 4th grade and up TAKS tests, there is a "Double Passage." Students should read the questions for only passage 1, then read and answer the questions for passage 1. Then read the questions for passage 2. Read passage 2 and answer the questions for passage 2. Then read and answer the few questions that relate to both passages.

    • 6

      Read one chunk at a time. As you read, underline any parts that seem to answer a question. When you get to the chunk line, stop and answer any questions you can.

    • 7

      When you answer questions, be sure to look back in the passage for proof to support your answer. For supporting detail questions, the answer will be right there in the passage. For making inferences and predicting questions, there will be hints in the passage.

    • 8

      Once you have answered all the questions in the test booklet, look back over to make sure you haven't missed any. You may have eliminated some answers and put an M for maybe next to a couple answers, but forgot to actually answer it. (Do not make marks like that for the 3rd grade TAKS test for the same reasons given in point 4.)

    • 9

      Only when you are completely finished, should you fill in the answer document bubbles. Make sure you bubble in the correct answer by reviewing with the "two-finger check." Put one finger on the answer sheet and one finger on the booklet to make sure you filled in the right answer. Make sure the bubbles are filled in neat and dark. It is best to fill in last, because if you fill in as you go and skip a question to answer later, you may mess up on the answer sheet. Also, if you change your mind and have to erase an answer, you may not erase completely.

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