How to Boost Your IQ

So you took an I.Q. Test and found out you aren't head of the class, now what? You don't like thinking that you aren't the genius you thought you were do you? There are some steps you can take to improve your brain function and possibly your IQ.


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      Taking deep breaths, exercising and getting plenty of sleep will give you more of an instant IQ boost. These are all proven to increase your brain's activity. Always take deep breaths during an IQ quiz or test.

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      Meditate. Linking your conscious to your subconscious will aid you in reaching new depths into your mind.

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      Practice memory exercises and logic puzzles. These types of puzzles continue to exercise your brain and keep your mind sharp.

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      Read. Try and read at least fifteen minutes a day to increase your IQ level.

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      Compliment your diet with Ginkgo Biloba. The leaves have been proven to increase the blood flow to the brain which helps your memory and concentration.

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      Drink caffeine. This also has shown to improve one's thinking ability providing not too much is taken at one time. Caffeine will only have a temporary effect and works best if taken before an IQ test or quiz.

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