How to Test for a Kid's IQ

While the average IQ of human beings is 100, IQs range from 0 to above 200. IQ tests are based on an individual's rank compared with others within their age, race, gender and other specifications. Some children are tested as young as 3 years old; however, kindergarten is a standard starting point for such tests.


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      Contact your child's school for IQ testing. Guidance counselors can provide information on how to arrange an IQ test. Some IQ testing can be done onsite with a qualified professional, such as a psychologist. If this cannot be arranged, ask the school for referrals to IQ testing centers.

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      Search online for IQ tests for kids. Some websites specialize in IQ tests for children and some have specific categories according to age. Some sites charge for their tests, but you can find a few free ones. See Resources for two websites that offer tests tailored to kids.

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      Schedule a meeting with a child psychologist, who are certified to administer IQ tests in a formal setting. Two familiar intelligence tests they may use are the Raven's Progressive Matrices test or the children's version of Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale (WAIS). The WAIS tests IQ scores on a variety of sub-scales.

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      Prepare your child for IQ testing. Discuss with the child that they will soon be in a meeting with someone else who will ask them questions. Tell them not to be shy. If you are giving an online IQ test, you may want to find sample questions to ask to get your child thinking. Some children may be a little apprehensive, therefore, IQ tests do not need to be completed in one sitting, which would be of benefit to children who feel under pressure when taking tests.

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