The Advantages of Intelligence Testing in Childhood

All parents want to believe their child is the smartest, but the fact is that all children have different strengths and weaknesses, which play into every aspect of their lives, including behavior.
  1. Bad Behavior

    • Intelligence tests give professionals concrete numbers to examine when determining why a child may be acting out. They can then use these numbers to learn the real reason for behavioral issues.

    Catching Up

    • Parents can discover what areas their child needs to work on more to catch up with other children their age.

    Raw Talent

    • A child can discover hidden talents, and parents can encourage those talents, perhaps even by enrolling him in a special class to further develop that talent.

    Government Help

    • In the United States, professionals use the numbers from intelligence testing to determine which children are eligible for federally funded extra help under the "\No Child Left Behind Act.

    Tailored Lesson Plans

    • Intelligence tests provide a method of measurement that quickly shows professionals and parents how to tailor a lesson plan for a specific child.

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