#  >> Standardized Tests >> HSPT

How to Schedule a HSPT

The High School Placement Test (HSPT) is a 298-question exam that is used to compare students from different middle schools for admission into private Catholic high schools. The multiple choice test measures math, reading, quantitative and language skills. Knowing how to schedule a HSPT is the first step in acceptance to a parochial school. Read on to learn how to schedule a HSPT.


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      Contact the admissions office of the high school to which you're applying and ask who will be administering the HSPT. Usually, the school itself administers the HSPT, but this is not always the case. If the HSPT is being given at another location, the admissions office will be able to tell you the testing location.

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      Sign up for the HSPT with the admission office of your prospective school. Autumn and spring are the two most common times to take the HSPT.

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      Ask about the cost of the HSPT while signing up. Each school's cost for administering the test differs from each other.

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      Confirm the location and time of the HSPT even if the school to which you're applying is administering the exam. Ask for specific directions to the testing site within the school, especially if you've never been to the school before.

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      Ask about the admissions requirements of your desired school while scheduling the exam, as acceptable test scores vary. It's good to have goal scores to aim towards while studying.

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