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Fire Safety Activities for Children

Fire safety is an extremely important subject to teach children and the younger the better. Children need to know the dangers of playing with fire as well as what to do when there is a fire. Different activities can help teach children through hands-on, interactive activities.
  1. Storytelling

    • First and foremost, children need to learn early on not to play with fire. There are many books available but most adults should be able to come up with a story or two themselves. Sit children in a circle and tell a story about the dangers of playing with matches, touching a hot stove, etc. Children need to learn that flames are meant to be respected, not played with.

    911 Emergency

    • Teach children the importance of dialing 9-1-1 in an emergency. Have a phone that is not plugged in and pass it around. Have each child pretend to dial and have them answer a series of questions like "what is your address?" Children should learn that if they see a fire they should call 911.

    Stop, Drop and Roll

    • Everyone needs to learn the technique of stop, drop and roll. This is a fun exercise for children to practice. Have children practice dropping to the floor and rolling toward the door.

    Take a Walk Around the House

    • Take a walk around the house and explain how fires can start in different areas. Show how light bulbs should never have anything placed on top of them because of the chance of a fire starting as well as how heaters and radiators are hot and should not be touched. Being aware of one's surroundings is an important preventative measure.

    Ask questions

    • Involve children by asking the questions: "Who should you call in case of a fire or other emergency?" "What do you do if you are caught in a house that is on fire?" "Who is allowed to turn on the stove?"

    Visit the Fire Station

    • Children love a visit to the fire station. Call your neighborhood fire station and ask if it is OK to stop by. Having a fireman reinforce all that you have taught can make a huge impact on children.

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