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Fire Safety Lesson Plans for Preschool

Fire safety tips can save lives. So it's important that children start leaning early, even as they continue to learn about, review and practice fire safety regularly as they grow up. Fire safety lesson plans for preschoolers let them start thinking about how they can reduce the risk of fires starting and teach them what they should do if a fire starts.
  1. Stop, Drop and Roll

    • If a preschooler's clothes catch fire, the natural instinct may be to run to someone for help, but running will only feed the flames. Preschoolers need to learn the proper technique for dealing with clothes that are on fire, the method of stopping where you are, dropping to the ground and rolling to smother the flames. Teachers and parents can demonstrate the importance of giving flames less air, rather them more, by lighting a candle on fire and then putting it out by covering it with a glass jar. Preschoolers can practice the stop, drop and roll technique by coloring or painting flames, taping them to their clothes and then rolling on the ground until the flames have fallen off. This activity is serious, but it can also be a lot of fun.

    Causes of Fires

    • Preschoolers should also learn about the things that can start fires. There are some things kids should never touch, not matches and lighters, and other things they should be cautious around, like appliances and hot pots and pans in the kitchen. Preschoolers can be asked to sort printed pictures of a variety of objects into those that can start fires and those that can't. Drawing flames on those that can start fires will help them remember which things to watch out for.

    Escape Routes

    • After drawing maps of their homes, preschoolers can plan the escape routes they could use if fires started in their homes. Preschoolers can look at each room to see if there is more than one way out and plan the shortest route from their bedroom out of their house. If preschoolers are working on this during preschool, they can take it home to go over with their parents. Families should determine a place outside their house where they will meet if there is a fire and practice their escape routes.

    Fire Fighters

    • The local fire department may be happy to visit and talk about fire safety. Students can hear tips about how to prevent fires and hear about what firefighters do when they arrive to put out a fire, learning about an important career as well. Firefighters may even be able to bring the fire truck, which is very exciting for preschoolers. The fire department might let the class visit the fire station, too.

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