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Penguin Art Activities for Preschool

Preschool penguin crafts can support a variety of preschool lesson plans. Penguin crafts can enhance a preschool unit on winter, animals, birds, penguins or the letter "P." Preschool crafts need to use simple materials and have easy instructions.
  1. Penguin Snowglobe

    • Glue a small penguin figure to the bottom of a baby food jar. Let the kids add glitter or small foam balls to the jar. Help the kids fill the jar with water and food coloring and replace the top. The kids can shake these to watch the "snow" fall around the penguins.

    Paper-plate Penguin

    • Cut out the middle section of a paper plate and attach it to a larger black paper circle. Provide kids with three orange triangle pieces, two medium and one small and a medium black circle. These are the beak, feet and head. Instruct the kids to glue on the pieces and decorate the penguin with crayons or markers.

    Print-out Puppet

    • Print out a penguin coloring sheet and let the kids color the penguin. Provide the kids with craft sticks, help them cut the penguin out and glue it to the craft stick for a simple puppet.

    Egg-carton Penguin

    • Give the kids two connected egg carton halves. Let them paint the cups black and add wings, feet, a beak and plastic eyes. Glue the penguin to a piece of white foam to replicate an iceberg.

    Messy Penguin Craft

    • Letting kids paint the bottom of their feet black and making a foot print on white paper is a messy but fun craft idea. Once the footprint dries, kids can use their finger tips to add eyes, wings and feet with paint.

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