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Pre-Kindergarten Crafts for Worms

Those squirmy, slimy creatures that you find in the dirt may make you jump, but there's just something about worms that intrigues young children. Despite their sliminess, they are actually an important part of the ecosystem. If you're teaching pre-kindergarten children about worms, there are a variety of craft activities you can use as extension activities during your study to promote a greater understanding of these creatures.
  1. Pom-Pom Worms

    • Children can create worms from craft pom-poms. Provide children with large and small green or brown pom-poms -- green for inch worms and brown for earth worms. Instruct them to glue four small pom-poms together to create the body of the worm, and then have them glue a large pom-pom to the front of the body for the head. To make a face on the worms, children can glue two googly eyes to the large pom-pom. Turn this craft into a refrigerator magnet by gluing a magnet to the back of the worm, or make it a decoration by gluing the worm onto a clothespin, which can then be clipped wherever the children would like to display it.

    "W" Worms

    • Reinforce the sound the letter "W" makes with this worm craft. On poster board, draw a lowercase letter "W" for each child. Instruct the children to color their letters with green or brown crayons or markers, and then have them cut out their letters. To create the profile of the head of a worm, children should use a black marker to draw smile on the top of the right or left tail of the letter and then glue one googly eye above the smile.

    Bookworm Bookmark

    • Though children of this age may not yet be able to read on their own, this craft will encourage a desire to read. Parents or caregivers can use this craft to hold the place in books they are reading to children. Provide children with any color craft foam and a craft stick. Instruct the kids to trace the craft stick onto the craft foam with a marker or a pen, and have them cut out the outline that has been created. Allow the children to select any color craft pom-pom they'd like, and have them glue their pom-poms to the end of the craft foam cut out. To complete the craft, kids can glue googly eyes to the top of the pom-poms and perhaps even glue yarn around the eyes to create the look of glasses. Use a marker to write "bookworm" along the body of the craft.

    Paper Inch Worms

    • Use paper to create this simple inch-worm craft. Cut pieces of construction paper into rectangles and distribute them to children. Show the kids how to accordion fold their rectangles. Once they've accordion folded their papers, instruct them to open them up and sit them on a flat surface -- the folds will serve as the body of the worm. To create a face, provide children with googly eyes and have them glue them onto the front of the paper. Cut two pieces of pipe cleaner and glue them to the top of the face, and then use a marker to draw a smile on the worm.

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