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Physical Activity Games for Kindergarten

Plan enjoyable, creative physical education activities for your kindergarten class. Give your pupils opportunities to use a variety of equipment as they develop physical skills and sportsmanship. Make gym period a time your pupils look forward to.
  1. Popcorn

    • Have the children stand around a parachute, each holding a loop. Toss 10 to 12 elephant skin balls onto the parachute. Ask the children to move their loops up and down, making the balls bounce around like popcorn. Challenge them to bounce all the balls off the parachute. Alternatively, use lightweight plastic balls and number them so each child has one. The child with the last ball remaining on the parachute is the winner.

    Move Your Feet

    • Place hula hoops in a large circle. You will need one fewer than the number of children. Choose one child to stand in the middle of the circle. The remaining kids sit in hula hoops. The child in the center calls out a command such as "If you have brown eyes, move your feet!" Children with brown hair must stand up, run to a new hula hoop and sit down. The child in the center of the circle also runs to a hoop. One child will be left without a hoop and takes the spot in the middle of the circle. She calls out a new command such as "If you have a brother, move your feet!" and the game continues.


    • Gather enough popsicle sticks for each child in the class. Print types of animals on the sticks, making matching pairs. Distribute the sticks to the children, reminding them to keep their animals secret. Give a signal for the children to begin acting out their animals. Encourage them to use appropriate animal movements and noises. The object is to find the classmate with the matching animal.

    Beanbag Dumping Grounds

    • Place a hula hoop in each corner of the gym. Divide the class into four teams and ask each team to stand beside a hula hoop. Scatter beanbags around the center of the gym. Make sure there are about twice as many beanbags as pupils. On the signal, children run to the center, take one beanbag and place it in their team's hula hoop. Once all the beanbags are gone from the center, pupils can begin stealing beanbags from other teams, one at a time. On a signal, the children must freeze. The team with the most beanbags in their hoop wins.

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