#  >> K-12 >> Kindergarten

Group Activities for Kindergarten & Preschool

Group activities allow young children to introduce themselves to one another and find like-minded peers around whom they feel comfortable. Shy pupils relax and are drawn out by the noisy camaraderie they share with their peers in a non-threatening environment. Have all children voice their ideas and opinions on which activities to undertake.
  1. Creative Benefits

    • Use creative outlets to help developing children learn how to express their emotions and feelings. Teach academic basics such as the alphabet, primary numbers, the states and capitals or animal identification by using paints, crayons, markers and colored pencils. Inspire children with images and sounds of their favorite people, places, things and memories. Encourage them to create an original item for adult appreciation and reflection.

    Group Versus Independent Activities

    • Empower youngsters by allowing them to decide how they'd like to spend 15 minutes, in quiet work by themselves or in a group working to complete an activity. According to the EduGuide website, children learn in different capacities. Some are more visual, others more auditory; some need quiet space to figure out complete thoughts, others thrive on group interaction. Help children realize their learning power.

    Build Self-Confidence

    • Take off the pressure to strive for academic perfection by instilling self-confidence in children. Encourage and enable curious, imaginative minds to explore outside of traditional subjects and learn how their unique study skills and habits enable them to be successful in the classroom. Being creative while completing goals gives them the opportunity to feel accomplished and simultaneously appreciated for their individuality.

    Interpersonal Skills

    • Place children in small groups to complete activities and encourage them to solve problems on their own, to work on communication skills. Designate different group leaders so all children can practice how to guide or lead peers as well as how to listen.

    Positive Physical Benefits

    • Send preschoolers and kindergartners outside to complete hands-on or nature-oriented activities and to release excess energy. The physical exercise they get and the endorphins released in their brains while running about are positive aspects that enable healthy growth.

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