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Kindergarten Hibernation Craft

Use crafts to make lessons about hibernation more enjoyable for your kindergarten class. Read books, watch videos and talk about animals that hibernate such as bears, chipmunks, badgers, groundhogs and other forest creatures. Choose non-complicated yet creative crafts that suit kindergarten children. Use markers, colored pencils, glitter and other materials to bring these projects to life.
  1. Clay Bears

    • Encourage your students to make miniature clay bears. This involves sculpting brown or black polymer clay into round shapes and then using toothpicks to connect each body part. Help kindergartners sculpt a large round torso for the bear's body and a smaller round ball for the bear's head. The kids can then make long, rounded pieces for the bear's arms and legs along with a few extra small round pieces for his ears, nose and tail. Use toothpicks or small non-sharp wires to connect all the pieces together. The kids can then draw the bear's face with a toothpick. Some kids might want to glue plastic eyeballs on the bear after the clay hardens.

    Rock Painting

    • Help your kindergarten students paint hibernating animals on rocks. Find large flat rocks in nature or buy these at home improvement stores. They can paint round bear or squirrel faces or paint the animal's entire body if they have the skill. A simple bear face is round with circular ears. Help the kids paint the face and then paint on the round ears. Some kids can only paint paw prints of these animals or really simple designs. Show the students pictures to inspire their creations.

    Hibernation Coloring Pages

    • Kindergarten students still love to color, so help them color hibernation coloring pages with crayons, colored pencils or markers. The kids can cut out pictures and glue them on posters or other craft projects.

    Pop-Out Hibernation Nature Collage

    • Take your students outdoors to gather raw materials in your area such as small pebbles, pine needles, leaves, bark, flowers, pinecones and other items from nature. Give each child a large piece of cardstock or poster board paper. The kids can then decorate the collage with animal stickers, drawings and cut-out pictures of animals. Help them glue the nature items around the border of the page. This creates a decorative, pop-out effect.

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