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What Are the Benefits of Student Field Trips?

Field trips of all kinds, from day trips to a local science museum or farm, to longer trips for a weekend to Washington D.C., or long term trips like a summer exchange program abroad, have become routine for many school districts. While the costs of these trips may be argued over during budget reviews, there any many benefits students gain by taking these trips with their schoolmates and teachers.
  1. Supplement Class Work

    • Often, field trips are tied in to what the students are learning in class and will allow them hands on experience or an additional way to learn more or new information about a subject. For example, English students reading the book "Les Miserables" may benefit greatly when seeing the musical on Broadway or an off-Broadway production. Not only is the musical a cultural experiences that many high school students would not get on their own, but it is another way to see and understand the story. This application can apply to virtually any subject and any grade.


    • Many students are exposed to new opportunities and new experiences that they never have and may never be exposed to by their parents or family. This is especially true of lower income and underserved communities where the parents may not have the money or resources to bring their children on trips or to cultural experiences that are both cheaper and accessible through school. Many parents may simple lack the time or the interest in bringing their children to an event or location where a typical school trip is taken. The trip allows the student to be exposed to new experiences and may uncover new interests or talents.


    • There are several social benefits of attending field trips. They teach students how to work together and provide an opportunity to bond with fellow students. Other social benefits include getting to know the teacher outside the classroom, practicing and learning to behave properly in public, and possibly learning proper etiquette for the first time. Many students may not attend art or other cultural events or visit fancy restaurants at home and have their first exposure during field trips. Often, schools have field trips with the sole purpose of transitioning students to a new grade level or to integrate two schools together. These trips give the students a chance to bond and reduce the level of anxiety that occurs when students are experiencing a transition or change.

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