What Are the Benefits of an Executive MBA?

Executive MBA (EMBA) programs provide experienced industry professionals who are already employed with the opportunity to earn master's degrees in Business Administration. The flexible curriculum enables non-traditional students to maintain employment and minimize the shift in leisure and family pursuits. Executive MBA students complete the program in two years. During that time, they gain a wide range of applicable, relevant skills to sharpen their analytical and social abilities. In addition to the work-life balance, EMBA programs offer many benefits for successful candidates.
  1. Increased Salary

    • Professionals who complete executive MBA programs earn higher incomes, according to the Executive MBA Council. The organization reported that "in 2007, the salary mean for students entering the program was $107,097. The salary mean leaving the program was $130,056, a 21 percent salary increase." The significantly higher salaries were mostly achieved with the same employer. EMBA students tend to possess more staying power and are viewed as loyal employees. Employers make academic achievement plausible while protecting their own interests. Some companies, for example, tie MBA tuition with annual bonuses or weekend overtime.

    Professional Network

    • Executive MBA candidates habitually have rewarding jobs and career advancement, eliminating competition between classmates, according to Columbia University. Students are focused on their accomplishments, yet highly interested in collaborative and team-oriented learning. The result is a strong professional and lifetime network of peers, faculty, sponsors and alumni. The program enables students to interact with professionals from diverse fields and gather new ideas.

    Company Sponsorship

    • Employers of EMBA applicants might pay for the entire tuition costs in the form of full sponsorship, or just write letter of recommendation and adjust work schedules. Duke University, for example, requires that candidates obtain a sponsorship letter demonstrating employer support. Sponsorships are used to acknowledge and reward excellent work performance, retain employees or create motivation through competition. Some sponsorship programs fund academic expenses in exchange for employee retention during a specific time frame.

    Career Impact

    • Students gain many skills and knowledge that can impact their careers. They broaden professional networks, gain awareness of globalization and multiculturalism, cultivate relationships with professional mentors, and learn to operate many facets of corporations. The impact of the powerful credential enhances students' leadership skills and, in turn, their professional opportunities.

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