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What Are the Benefits of Scaffolding?

Scaffolding is an educational strategy that involves teachers lending temporary help to students. Over time, teachers gradually help less and less until students are able to fully grasp the concepts on their own. As a result, scaffolding has proven to be an efficient method for learning and has four primary benefits.
  1. Maximizes Efficiency

    • One of the biggest benefits of the scaffolding technique is its efficiency. The step-by-step design of scaffolding creates a well-structured atmosphere that minimizes learning useless or irrelevant information. Instead, learning follows a sequential order that allows students to build upon previously acquired information.

    Clear Guidelines

    • Another benefit of scaffolding is the clear and straightforward guidelines that it provides. Unlike some other educational systems, scaffolding relies upon a very systematic approach for teaching. Typically, students are given step-by-step instructions for a task. They then complete as much of each task as possible. Teachers will assist students, but only when necessary. This formula usually helps students understand exactly what is expected, which minimizes confusion.

    Individual Attention

    • Scaffolding also involves a very individualized approach for student learning. Since different students learn at different rates, this strategy allows each individual to learn at his own rate. In doing so, negative feeling of anxiety and misunderstandings are significantly reduced.

    Encourages Growth

    • Since scaffolding concentrates heavily upon the student, it's often a catalyst for growth. Students are ultimately the ones responsible for their success when using scaffolding. As a result, the feelings of accomplishment often create a sense of momentum. When students can tangibly see the progress they make, it often builds confidence that can help both in school and in general life.

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