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How to Write Curriculum Maps for Grade Seven

Curriculum maps are an ideal tool for middle school teachers, and they can be designed to fit a variety of classroom topics for grade seven. These tools map out the state standards, the overall class goals and the different activities or ideas the teacher wants to implement. You can write these maps to organize your plans for the upcoming academic year, and you can personalize your map to fit your goals.

Things You'll Need

  • Word processor
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    • 1

      Create a header which clearly states the name of the class, the teacher's name and the grade level as grade seven. For example: "Arts and Humanities. Teacher: Jane Smith Grade Seven."

    • 2

      Create a column on the left hand side of the page which will hold the different sections of the class instruction schedule, called a dates column. For example, the first section of the class may be contained in weeks one through three. Place these dates on the left side, followed by the section title. For example: "Weeks 1-3: Ancient Egypt." Break each segment of the class into these sections and continue placing the labels on the left hand side of the page.

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      Add details underneath each header of the class segments. For example, in a segment about ancient Egypt, major goals could be: "What major contributions did the Egyptians add to architecture and culture? How did the Egyptians interact with the Greeks?" Keep the questions geared toward state standards for grade seven education.

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      Create a column down the middle of the page, directly to the right of the dates column. This column should clearly state the essential knowledge or skills the grade seven class should offer. Once again, these elements should be aligned with the state standards for any given school district. For example: "Learn the basic geography, language and vocabulary of Egyptian and Nile Valley groups." Keep these goals concise and straightforward. Create a new set of goals for each segment of the class.

    • 5

      Create a column to the right side of the paper which clearly states the learning tools and the modes of assessment for the class. This part of the curriculum should give specific examples of videos, activities or tools you will use in the classroom. This column can also include how you will assess the class throughout the academic year. Each segment of the class should include a detailed list of the curriculum tools and the grading process.

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      Leave an open space on the far right of the curriculum where you can place notes about the grade seven learning process, or make changes to the plans.

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