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How to Teach Comprehension Skills to Slow Students

Students must be taught proficient reading comprehension skills at a young age in order to apply these skills in the rest of their schooling. Some students may have a difficult time comprehending assignments at the same speed as their peers. These students require special attention in order to develop their reading comprehension skills fully. By interacting on an individual level with students who are slow at comprehending, you can apply special teaching methods that will help improve their ability to comprehend while reading.

Things You'll Need

  • Reading material
  • Pencil
  • Paper
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      Choose specialized texts for students who show signs of slow comprehension. Students will be much more likely to enjoy and retain their reading material if they have a personal interest in the subject matter. Discuss individual interests with your students, and choose an appropriate text related to one of their areas of interest. This will inspire them to more carefully read the assigned text.

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      Give students special reading strategies to help them comprehend the text. Introduce the text to them before they begin reading, either by making a list or simply discussing the text. Touch on all of the major characters who appear in the text and the themes that are important. By having introductory information in mind, students will find it much easier to pick more elaborate information out of the text itself.

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      Draw out the textual structure for the students to visualize. This can be a plot structure, or simply the progression of ideas that the text presents. Having a visualization of the text to reference during their reading will help students retain pertinent information.

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      Ask your students to take notes while reading. Have them jot down important information in the text not discussed prior to the reading. This will inspire them to elaborate on your instruction and comprehend textual elements beyond what you offered as an introduction.

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      Help cultivate students' comprehension skills by discussing the text with them when they are finished reading. Rather than teaching them further elements of the text, base your discussion on the students' own reading. If students get stuck or seem hesitant, ask questions related to what they're saying. This will give them the confidence to explore their own interpretation of the text. Thinking through such personal interpretations will help them immensely when reading and comprehending future texts.

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