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Greek School Games

Children who are of Greek descent might be instructed in a Greek school in order to keep the traditions of the heritage alive. Teachers and parents can incorporate some Greek games into the educational plans to keep the students learning the material while further engaging them in the lessons.
  1. Letter Games

    • Not all children coming into Greek school are going to know the language. Teach the children the Greek alphabet, and have them go through all of the letters a few times with you. Provide cutouts with all of the letters of the Greek alphabet on them. Call up one student at a time to a board with the standard American letters on it. Ask the student to place the Greek letter over the corresponding American letter.

    Ancient Greek Word Puzzles

    • After a lesson on the religion, culture and daily life of the Ancient Greeks, put students' new knowledge to the test. Reinforce vocabulary by using a word search game. To get students to answer questions, create a crossword puzzle wherein the answers are all related to Ancient Greece. Offer a small price, such as five extra points on the next examination or a no homework pass, to the first three students to finish the puzzle.

    Folk Games

    • Engage the students in some traditional folk games such as Leapfrog, Apples, Toy Soldiers and Grandmother-Sleeping. If you speak Greek, translate these games into that language yourself. If not, visit a website such as Children's Folk Games to find translations already created for you. Teach the games to the children in Greek. While they are playing, require them to speak to one another and to you in the Greek language.

    Olympic Games

    • After a unit on Ancient Greek games, start a mini Olympics in the classroom, school yard or during a school sponsored field day. Have a track and field event, or a swimming race if a pool is available to you. Youngsters in Ancient Greece participated in some games that were not part of the Olympics, such as field hockey. Dice, marbles and checkers were other games.

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