#  >> K-12 >> Elementary School

Elementary School PE Games

Teaching a physical education (PE) class requires more than having your elementary students run around the gym. Use your imagination to create exciting games the children can play that will build their social skills and encourage physical activity. Awarding small prizes, such as candy, pencils and stickers, to game winners encourages maximum effort from your elementary pupils.
  1. Jump Rope Routines

    • Divide the pupils into groups of four or five and give each team two jump ropes. The teams have 30 minutes to design a jump rope routine to music. After 30 minutes, each team performs their routine in front of the class. Award prizes to the best, funniest and silliest jump rope routines.

    Beach Ball Baseball

    • Wrap a large, beach towel around a baseball bat and secure it with duct tape. Place bases around the gym or outside. Divide the children into two teams and use the same rules as a game of baseball. Use a beach ball instead of a baseball, so players can throw the ball at players to get them out. The first team to score 15 points wins the game.

    Follow the Moves

    • Have your pupils stand in a circle about a few feet apart from each other. If you have several players, break the children into groups of about 15. Select one pupil to go first. Have them perform a move, such as a hop, clap his hand, stomp his foot or rub his belly. The next child in line must do the move of the first player and add his own move. The next child in the circle must do the move of the first and second player in order before adding his own move. Each child must do the moves of each child before him in the correct order. If a child cannot remember a move or messes up, he is out of the game. The last player standing wins the game.

    Mouse Trap

    • Half the class forms a large circle formation with about one foot between them. The rest of the pupils run in and out of the circle going between their classmates. When the teacher yells, "Mouse trap," the students grab hands and squat to the ground. Any children inside the circle are out until the next game. The last player standing wins the game. Tell the children if you catch them not going in the circle at all, they are automatically out of the game.

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