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How to Read a Schedule for Fourth Graders

Just because your child is still in elementary school, doesn't mean that he doesn't have a very busy schedule. Between school assignments, exams, extracurricular activities, sporting events and social engagements, you might be surprised to see everything your fourth grader does once it's all written out in a schedule. Reading and keeping careful track of your child's schedule are important. This helps you and your child keep track of what's going on in his life at all times.


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      Put together a school schedule and an activities schedule. A fourth grader might have an assignment due for school the same day as a soccer game, for example. Seeing that these events fall on the same day will make it easier to help your fourth grader get both accomplished.

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      Pay attention to action items. Action items are parts of the fourth graders schedule where a task needs to be completed. For example, with a school field-trip, your fourth grader might need to submit a permission slip and have a special lunch packed.

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      Note tasks on the schedule that need to be completed in steps. For example, a large school assignment should not be started and completed the night before. Add times to the schedule when your fourth grader should be working on the assignment in the days and weeks that precede the due date.

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      Get regular updates from your fourth grader. A schedule at the beginning of the month can look vastly different at the end. This is because events can get cancelled or moved, new projects can be assigned and additional commitments can be made by your fourth grader.

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