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5 Ethical Behaviors for Teachers

Teachers stand as role models for their students, and, as such, they must conduct themselves according to a strict code of ethics. While teachers can adapt their code to include the whole range of their ethical beliefs, they should understand that there are five core ethical behaviors that are essential for their position.
  1. Devotion

    • As a teacher, you should feel a drive to further the education of your students. You need to provide a safe, nurturing environment for your students as well, so they can grow into the well-formed adults they have the potential to be. You must understand that every child has the ability to learn, and you must be patient when you notice certain students struggling with the course material. Put the well-being of your students above all else and be devoted to them and to your profession.


    • You will undoubtedly discuss touchy subjects with your students, including current events and historical controversies. It's all right to have your own opinion about a matter, but you should allow the children to come to their own conclusions. Disclose all of the information on a subject, including information that goes against your personal beliefs. The same goes for matters of school policy. If your school announces a change in policy, explain it to the children but leave out your personal opinions.


    • You will encounter students from a wide range of racial, economic and religious backgrounds. When they enter your classroom, though, they have one thing in common: They're your students. Respect their personal beliefs and diversity. Never discriminate against a student for his beliefs or appearance. Do not allow intolerance from your students toward any one student, either. Show respect for the diversity of the world, and your students will follow your lead.

    Professional Behavior

    • Your life continues outside of work, but you need to create a solid line between what happens at work and what happens at home. Don't disclose personal information about your home life, and don't disclose personal information about your students' lives at home. Maintain a certain level of professionalism with other teachers as well. For example, if you learn something private about one of your colleagues, do not share it with anyone else inside or outside of school.

    Honesty and Integrity

    • You must set a good example for students by conducting yourself with honesty at all times. This means you should grade papers fairly, record all of your expenses accurately, and never use your position as an educator to manipulate others.

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