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How to Improve in Geometry

Whether you are in elementary school, high school or beyond, geometry in some form is a fundamental subject you will inevitably tackle. To improve your geometry skills you will need to -- as with most things -- practice diligently. To ensure you stick with it, engage in creative and fun geometry-oriented games and activities while remembering to give yourself due credit for your progress along the way.

Things You'll Need

  • A computer
  • A printer
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  1. Improve Geometry Skills

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      Practice with worksheets. Countless math-focused websites and bookstores teeming with math practice books make acquiring worksheets surprisingly easy. Try to focus on one geometry subject each day and don't proceed to another subject until you've mastered the preceding one. As completing numerous worksheets can seem tedious, make sure to give yourself a manageable workload so you don't burn out and get frustrated. Once you start to feel mentally fatigued, take a break.

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      Make the most of online games, activities, and quizzes. Offering symmetry, shapes and translations problems for the younger set and line segments, angles, geometric diagrams and notations practice for the older, the Internet provides a variety of fun ways to improve your geometry skills. Tailor each practice session to the specific area of geometry you want to focus on by taking advantage of the fact that most websites separate their geometry activities by subject category. Try playing games and doing activities first to learn and practice the material, following that with a few online quizzes to test how well you are retaining the information.

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      Apply geometry to everyday life. From traffic signs to brick patterns on your neighbors house, geometric shapes, patterns and concepts make up the world around you and you can refine your geometry skills by actively searching for them. Examine architecture and the shapes of objects inside your house and out and analyze the relationships between the components. Then take it a step further and observe the way roads in your town are laid out -- perpendicular or parallel, straight or curved. Practice understanding angles by noticing them in the next picture you draw, applying them to the plays in your next football game or analyzing them in a linen or quilt pattern.

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