Kids Cooking Project for the Letter B

Engaging kids in cooking is both fun and educational. Young children can have lessons on the alphabet reinforced with kitchen projects they can eat after the lesson is done. Encourage children to help with all aspects of cooking from washing their hands before starting to cleaning the kitchen at the end of the lesson. Use the cleaning time to teach about other things that start with the letter B, like brooms and brushes for cleaning dishes.
  1. Bread

    • Prepare a bread recipe from scratch. Focus the natural energy of the kids into kneading the bread dough. Some recipes require the dough to be kneaded for 10 minutes, and the kids can take turns kneading the dough. Before the second rise, shape the bread dough into a letter b before baking. Serve the baked b-shaped bread with butter. Point out ingredients or techniques that start with the letter b as you use them in the recipe like beating the bread, using bread flour, baking the bread or spreading butter on the bread.


    • Prepare a banana split. Engage children by giving them bananas to peel. An adult should slice the bananas and scoop the ice cream, but the kids can top their banana split with their own toppings. Try fresh blueberries or blackberries for a healthier option to chocolate sprinkles. These berries also start with the letter b to reinforce the alphabet lesson. Do not forget to point out that the bowl the split is served in starts with a letter b.


    • Prepare a batch of brownies from a recipe or box. Let kids put pre-measured ingredients into the mixing bowl. They can also help to stir the batter. After baking the brownies, cool them and cut them into shapes. Put cake frosting into a clean condiment squeeze bottle and give to the kids to squeeze out a letter b shape on top of their brownie. They can also make other decorations on the brownie if desired.

    B Stew

    • Kids can put stew ingredients into a pot to learn other words that start with b. Since stew recipes are flexible to what you have on hand, use those items in your kitchen that start with b. Possible ingredients include beef broth and beef, bay leaves, basil, barley, beans or beets. Serve the beef stew with bread sticks or with biscuits and butter. Point out other b words during cooking such as the boiling stew and the baking biscuits.

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