What Technology Is Used for Distance Learning?

Distance learning technologies fall into four main categories, all of which have several subcategories. Some subcategories overlap into other main categories. The four main groups are computer, audio, video and print. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. A distance learning program designed around a combination of technologies, depending on how best the student learns, is most effective.
  1. Computers

    • Computers and the Internet have become extremely popular, and their use in distance learning has also risen. Students using this form of technology for learning do so by using Internet-based educational programs, email programs, chat or messaging technology, CD-ROM materials and video conferencing. The advantages include being able to view digital video and audio, animations, and online connections in a self-paced fashion. Disadvantages include the need for hardware and software, computer viruses and possible poor connections.


    • Audio technology, such as telephone, voicemail and audio conferencing, can enhance a distance learning program particularly for those students that learn best by hearing the spoken word. Advantages to this technology are its lower cost, ease of use and the fact that most everyone has access to the telephone. The disadvantages include the fact that they may require some scheduling of time and are not as effective for those students who learn best with visual input.


    • Video technology provides a more personal touch to distance learning whereby a student can both see and hear the instruction for the teacher. One advantage of this method is it allows the instructor to better explain abstract concepts by using both speech and visual props. Disadvantages include higher cost of producing video, the need for technical assistance and the need to schedule video conferencing which makes it less spontaneous.


    • Print technology such as textbooks, workbooks, study guides and fax can be the sole distance learning technology or be used as a supplement to other technologies. Using print students can study on a set agenda emailing or faxing in their responses. Advantages of this method are its lower cost, ease of use, and portable nature. Disadvantages include the time delay of mailing responses and lack of student/teacher interaction.

    Integrated Program

    • Every student learns differently. Some students may be visual learners, auditory learners or learn best by studying on their own using textbooks. Most learn best with a combination of these methods. An integrated program designed with the distant learner's abilities and economics in mind can be very effective.

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