Home School Curriculum Packages

For parents who decide to home-school their child, the home school curriculum package is the foundation on which they will build their lessons. There are a lot of curriculum packages to choose from and before you make your decision, you should scout out the one that is most appropriate for you and your child. According to the Good Practice website, an encompassing home school curriculum package should entail separate teacher material for parents and tutors, the topic manuals, keywords, textbook answer sheets, textbooks, workbooks and work sheets. However, there is more to consider when looking for the perfect curriculum package.
  1. Your Budget

    • Home school curriculum packages come at different prices. According to the Family Education website, the prices start at about $500 and go up to $2,000 per school year. With the price gap being so severe, you should set your budget first and then search for the best suitable curriculum within that budget.

    The Necessary Goals

    • Before you get any curriculum packages, you need to familiarize yourself with the minimum requirements your child has to meet in each individual subject. When you know what kind of lessons your child needs to take and master by the end of the school year, you should find a curriculum package with all those lessons. Usually, curriculum packages are created so they include all the necessary lessons for a child in a specific grade. There is no point in studying something with the child that will have no real value at the end of the school year.

    Child's Abilities

    • The home school curriculum package you pick must cater to your child's learning abilities and needs. Don't supply your child with lessons he is too young to comprehend or that are too difficult for him. If your child is a strong student in a particular field, you should find a curriculum package that will foster that ability. For example, if your child is a math whiz, get him a curriculum package with advance math.

    Special Requirements

    • If the reason why you are home-schooling your child is because you have specific demands you feel the school system doesn't adequately address, you should look for a curriculum package that will address them. There are a lot of highly specific home school curriculums. For example, you can get a very religious-based curriculum, or a curriculum that will allow you to work more on the child's artistic abilities.

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