Oklahoma Homeschooling Laws

Homeschoolers in Oklahoma are guaranteed the right to homeschool under the Oklahoma State Constitution. The state constitution mandates "compulsory attendance at some public or other school, unless other means of education are provided..." Several court cases have challenged homeschoolers' rights to teach their children at home. It is the general opinion of the Oklahoma courts that the wording of the state's constitution allows for homeschooling.
  1. Attendance

    • Oklahoma has mandatory attendance laws. Children who are over the age of 5 and not yet 18 years of age must attend school. Homeschooling satisfies this requirement if the parents can show they are providing education during the time that the local traditional schools are in session. Although attendance is not monitored by the state, parents should keep a log of work in case the children are reported as truant.


    • There are no specific teaching requirements for parents who homeschool their children. A tutor is not required. Parents can teach their own children no matter what level of education they posses.


    • Oklahoma does not require homeschoolers to take norm-referenced tests. Parents may have their children take standardized tests for their own purposes, but the state does not require them to do so.


    • Although Oklahoma does not require parents to provide education in any particular subject, the Homeschool Legal Defense Association recommends that all homeschooled students be provided with instruction in math, science, language arts and social studies.


    • Oklahoma parents who choose to homeschool are not required to notify the local school district or state of their decision. If a child is attending a public school and the parents wish to homeschool, they should officially withdraw the student from the current school. Withdrawing from the current school will prevent the student from being reported as truant due to excessive absences. A reason for the withdrawal does not have to be given.

    Helpful Suggestions

    • Contact or join a local homeschooling support group to get help in understanding the current homeschooling laws in Oklahoma.

      It is a good idea to provide homeschooling during the daytime, just as public and private schools do. School-age children who roam the neighborhood during normal school hours attract attention, and someone may call the authorities to report them as truant.

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