Oklahoma Homeschooling Resources

Parents with children who have special needs, or who simply want to take their children's education into their own hands, frequently choose homeschooling as an alternative to enrolling their children in a public or private school. In Oklahoma, numerous resources exist to not only help parents home school their children effectively, but to also learn the minimum standards and benchmarks that must be met in their child's curriculum.
  1. Legal Resources

    • Oklahoma Home Educators maintains a website filled with information regarding the legal and academic issues that homeschooling parents will have to face. Oklahoma is the only state to include a constitutional guarantee of the right of parents to home school their children. Parents who home school their children are required to provide education that is "equivalent in fact to that afforded by the State." However, what qualifies as equivalency has not yet been officially codified.

    Curriculum Resources

    • While the parents of home-schooled children have much more control over what their children learn and when they learn it, the Oklahoma state curriculum or Priority Academic Student Skills (PASS) can serve as a helpful guide when determining whether or not a child is making adequate progress. A link to the Oklahoma Department of Education's curriculum is available in the resource section.

    Support for Parents

    • Parents who are transitioning their children to a home-school environment or are simply looking for extra help to cope with the unique challenges of homeschooling often rely on support groups. These groups help parents share experiences and pool their knowledge to create more effective means by which they can educate their children. These communities are available both online as well as in person and can provide academic, emotional, and creative support.

    Academic Enrichment

    • Some parents may want to supplement their children's homeschooling with outside classes as well. OK Best is a service that focuses on science and technology that seeks to give home-schooled students additional help pursuing careers in engineering as well as offering opportunities for students to participate in extracurricular activities such as robotics competitions.

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