Home School Associations

Families have various reasons for wanting to homeschool their children. For some, they may believe that the public or private schools in their area do not provide a quality or safe education. Others may have religious beliefs that lead them to teach at home. No matter the reason, national homeschooling associations and organizations exist to support these families in creating effective learning environments.
  1. American Homeschool Association

    • The American Homeschool Association (AHA) supports homeschooling families through a variety of resources. Through its online community, AHA connects families to resources and discussions to help them learn about important issues affecting homeschooling. The community also provides links to articles, websites and other information related to the betterment of homeschooling.

    Homeschool Legal Defense Association

    • The Homeschool Legal Defense Association (HSLDA) exists to protect the rights of homeschooling families. The HSLDA acts on behalf of individual families and the homeschooling community through legal action and advocacy. HSLDA is a paid membership-based group with headquarters in Virginia. Members receive discounts on homeschooling materials and once membership dues are paid, they pay nothing if legal consultation is needed. A lifetime membership to HSLDA is $1,000 while other memberships range from $95 to $500, as of 2011.

    National Home Education Network

    • Families that homeschool face a special set of challenges, no matter what their approach or background to schooling. The National Home Education Network seeks to bring families together in support of each other. The network provides resources on a long list of topics, including curriculum, educational software, learning styles, socialization and more. The group also offers information on support groups and legal issues.

    National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network

    • The National Challenged Homeschoolers Associated Network (NATHHAN) is a group dedicated to helping families of special-needs children with their homeschooling. The Christian network provides information on learning, socialization, health and support groups. To officially join NATHHAN, members pay a $25 fee that grants them access to an online discussion board, featured articles, lending library and family directory.

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