How to Get Started With Home Schooling in Texas

A 2010 study by the National Home Education Research Institute shows that there are approximately 2.04 million U.S. children in homeschool education arrangements. There are many reasons parents choose to homeschool children, ranging from religious beliefs to a desire to be in full control of the child's academic future. Whatever your reason for considering a homeschool education, parents in the United States must follow state specific rules and regulations for childhood education. If you live in Texas and want to homeschool your child, it is imperative to learn about the legalities of getting started.


  1. Starting Home School

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      Withdraw your child from his or her school. Submit a Letter of Withdrawal to the school's principal and/or administration for the district. The Texas Home School Coalition provides a sample letter to follow with the necessary information to include and how to send it. Send your letter via certified mail and ask for a return receipt. If your child is not yet enrolled in school, there is no legal need to notify the district.

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      View an online homeschooling orientation from the Texas Home School Coalition. This is not mandatory, but it will be helpful for first time homeschooling parents to develop a better understanding of how to educate their child and what academic expectations are.

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      Choose a curriculum. There is no required Texas state curriculum for homeschoolers. Parents must include basic educational content in the language arts, citizenship and mathematics, but a variety of curricular choices or systems may be of use. Commercially available curricula are available online or via a homeschool organization. The Texas Home School Coalition, for example, sponsors an annual convention and family conference featuring curriculum vendors.

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      Purchase all books, workbooks, computer software and other supplies necessary for your chosen curriculum.

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      Set up a schooling schedule. Begin your child's home education.

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