How to Figure a Grading Scale for Homeschool

The public school system uses a grading scale to keep track of each student's process. Even though homeschooling parents are aware of their children's knowledge in various subjects, it is still wise to follow a formal grading scale. This gives each child an indicator of his skill level, allowing for an easier transition into the public system, if necessary. Developing a course syllabus, as well as structured tests and assignments, provides a solid foundation for successful homeschooling.


    • 1

      Develop a formal course syllabus of assignments and tests for each subject. This is commonly a combination of a midterm and final exam, with a collection of assignments and quizzes.

    • 2

      Weigh each test and assignment for its percentage of the total course grade. Midterms and final exams typically comprise 40 to 60 percent of the total grade between the two, while assignments and quizzes make up the remaining percentage.

    • 3

      Grade each quiz, test or assignment out of the percentage assigned to it. For example, if the midterm is worth 20 percent of the final grade, its grade must be reflected out of 20.

    • 4

      Record each grade on the course syllabus to keep track of the student's progress.

    • 5

      Add all the quizzes, tests and assignments together to form the final grade for the course.

    • 6

      Compare the final percentage to the grading chart posted on the Homeschool Views website, to determine each student's grade. For example, a final percentage of 87 equals a "B" in the course.

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