How to Write a Citation in MLA Format

Students of the humanities, chiefly English and the foreign languages, are the most frequent users of the Modern Language Association (MLA) format. As the Cornell University Library website explains, MLA style uses a two-step citation system. You include an in-text citation next to the information you are borrowing, which directs readers to a full citation in your paper's Work Cited list, commonly called a bibliography.


    • 1

      Locate an in-text citation along with the information you are taking from one of your sources. MLA style uses an author-page system for in-text citations. The page number where your quote or paraphrased material came from is always enclosed in an parenthetical citation. You have the option of including the author's name before the page number or making it a part of your narrative. Examples of both are below:

      Jones described the race as "a battle of man versus mouse" (21). He noted that twenty percent of spectators polled thought the mouse would win (Jones 22).

    • 2

      Include a full length citation for each of your in-text citations in your Works Cited list at the end of your MLA style paper. Order the Works Cited list alphabetically by the author's last name.

    • 3

      Follow the proceeding example to cite a book in MLA style. Italicize the title of the book. Conclude your citation with the medium of your source. Indent the second and all subsequent lines of each entry five spaces to create a hanging indent.

      Jones, David. Secret Battles: Men Fighting Mice in the Old World.

      New York: McGraw-Hill, 2006. Print.

    • 4

      Refer to the following example to cite another common source--a scholarly journal article. Italicize the title of the journal. The "44" is the volume number of the journal, followed by the year of publication in parentheses and the page numbers.

      Cameron, Joe. "A Short History of the Longest Race in the World."

      Dime Store Literature 44 (2008): 117-127. Print.

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