Common Birds in the State of Texas

Texas features a variety of landscapes, such as the Rio Grande River Valley, the Gulf Coast and northern Texas plains. Each of these landscapes offers habitats for bird species native to the Lone Star State. The Texas Ornithological Society provides seminars and material relating to the state's bird species.
  1. Ducks

    • The feathers on an American black duck, or Anas rubripes, are actually brownish in spite of its name, and its wings have purple patches. When fully mature, these ducks are about 19 to 22 inches in length. During the winter, American black ducks are commonly found throughout Texas to Florida. The primary habitat for these ducks include marshes, estuaries and lakes.

      Masked ducks, or Oxyura dominica, are identifiable by the black streaks on their faces. This species of duck are common in recreation areas throughout Texas, including Brazos Bend State Park and San Bernard National Wildlife Refuge. Winter is the primary season to find these ducks in Texas.


    • According to Passport to Texas, a Texas-based radio talk show, the most common places to find great blue herons, or Ardea herodias, in the Lone Star State is on the Gulf of Mexico coastal range. These birds possess grayish-blue feathers and a black stripe above their eyes. When they fly, great blue herons' necks form an S-shape.

      Black-crowned nigh-herons, or Nycticorax nycticorax, are usually found on the Texas Gulf Coast, although some populations have been seen along the Rio Grande. This bird is in Texas during the winter months. The head of black-crowned nigh-herons have black feathers and is hunched in between its shoulders.


    • The Rio Grande Valley in southern Texas has the highest density of white-winged doves, or Zenaida asiatica, says Columbia University. This dove's name derives from the white feathers on the underside of its wings; the rest of the white-tailed dove's feathers are brown. White-tailed doves are found in Texas during the spring, summer and early fall months.

      The ruddy ground-dove, or Columbina talpacoti, is a brown-feathered bird found throughout the Southwestern United States, including Texas. These small doves are about 5 to 7 inches in length. Males have bright red feathers, while females possess faded brown-colored feathers.


    • The official state bird of Texas is the mockingbird, or Mimus polyglottos. The reasoning for this bird's honorary status is its presence throughout the Lone Star State. Known as a singing bird, the mockingbird is able to sing up to 200 melodies; this bird also is able to mimic the sounds of other birds.

      Long-billed thrashers, or Toxostoma longirostre, are only found in southern Texas and Mexico, according to the Cornell Lab of Ornithology. Southern Texas provides an ample amount of dense brush, which serves as this bird's habitat. Adult long-billed thrashers are almost a foot long and have wingspans of 13 inches.

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