How to Create a Computer Training Video

Computer training videos are used to enhance the learning experience for the user by allowing them to learn by seeing and hearing, which increases their chances of learning the material. Computer training videos are useful to corporations because it reduces the expense of hiring teachers to show new employees how to use computer programs. They can be uploaded to an online intranet or internet site to be accessed in all of the corporate locations. Computer training videos are beneficial for individuals because they get to learn at their own pace at their computers at home or in the office. They can rewind and replay difficult sections as often as they prefer.

Things You'll Need

  • Video camera
  • Script
  • Editing software
  • Actor
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    • 1

      Choose the delivery option for the video. Compare online delivery or distributing your video on DVD. Determine who your video will be created for and the most cost effective way for your company to deliver it to the user.

    • 2

      Outline the course. Determine how long it should be based on your audience's temperament. For example, if you are teaching younger children how to use a computer, the length must be kept short and the language and topic choices simplified for their understanding.

    • 3

      Calculate a budget. In a "Videomaker Magazine" article, Mark Steven Bosko explains that in order to create your budget "determine your video's destination, then calculate the smallest amount of money needed to reach it."

    • 4

      Write a video script. Simply describe what will be shown on screen alongside what the viewer will hear. Short and direct conversational sentences should be used in the dialogue so that your audience doesn't have difficulty following along. Follow instructional design principles. Instructional design principles suggest that you tell the user the goal of the module and then deliver on the goal. Afterwards you remind them of the goal and reaffirm what they have learned.

    • 5

      Plan the video shooting schedule. Choose the shooting date and location. Pick a classroom or a home office. Choose a setting that best coincides with where your potential users will be located.

    • 6

      Hire cameramen and lighting technicians. You can set up lighting and cameras on your own, but working with professionals will help to produce a sellable product.

    • 7

      Assemble the cast. Hire a spokesperson with a pleasant speaking voice. Hire a teacher or someone who has had experience teaching.

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      Shoot the video. In the book "Camtasia Studio 3," Daniel Park writes "using attention-getters such as mouse highlights, visual clicks, graphics and text callouts, and zoom and pan techniques can help to simplify what may otherwise be a long and confusing set of steps."

    • 9

      Take screenshots of the lessons on the computer. Press the "Alt" and "Print Screen" buttons on your keyboard at the same time. Paste the screenshots into an image editing program. Save the screenshots to the directory of your choice. Insert the screenshots at the appropriate intervals in your online editing system.

    • 10

      Capture your video content into your editing software. Edit the video so that it follows your script. Create closed captions for hearing impaired trainees.

    • 11

      Add titles and voiceovers. Get them in synch. Add music and background sounds. Watch the video once or twice all the way through to make sure you've captured anything that is out of synch or any errors you made in editing.

    • 12

      Convert the video to the format for the final delivery method. For example, burn it to DVD if you are going to send out physical copies or upload it to the website that will host the video.

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