Beginner Archaeology Tools

The scientific study of ancient human artifacts, from simple cooking objects to palaces, is called archeology. Exploring a site and digging out artifacts is the first step in an archaeological study. During this process, archaeologists use several tools, which can vary according to the object's size and shape. The main archeology tools for beginners are trowels, shovels, paint brushes, sieves, measuring tapes and identifying containers.
  1. Trowel and Shovel

    • Artifacts are not always found near the soil's surface. Often, archaeologist have to remove many layers of soil to find even a hint of an artifact. Shovels are very useful during the first stage of any archaeological excavation to remove stones and debris and clear the ground. However, a more careful exploration requires a trowel, a versatile tool that comes in various sizes.

    Paint Brush and Sieve

    • Paint brushes are used in conjunction with the trowel to remove soil from the top of an artifact. Brushes are more effective in dry soil, but stiffer brushes are ideal for clay soil or wet soil. When collecting small objects, such as coins, beads or diminutive fragments of an artifact, a sieve is a fundamental archaeological tool.

    Measuring Tape and Survey Maps

    • Survey maps or GPS equipment are used to identify the excavation site with precision. Measuring tape is used to mark the working site, which is isolated with plastic tape stretched around the area. A basic procedure among beginners and professional archaeologists, mapping and isolating the excavation area is fundamental to protect the integrity of the site.

    Identifying Containers

    • Archaeological finds are often fragmented, creating a jigsaw-puzzle challenge to archaeologists to reconstruct them. To avoid mixing up fragments of different artifacts, archaeologists number and classify their finds at the excavation site. Beginners can use labeled cardboard boxes and plastic bags to store fragments and objects, according to their location where they are found.

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