How to Light a Wood Stove

Wood stoves, which can provide heat without the use of electricity or fossil fuels, are essential for remote homes. They also are a good choice for heating a workshop. When you know how to light a fire in a wood stove, the burning wood soon will heat the stove and provide comfortable warmth for the surrounding area. Lighting a fire correctly will prevent smoke from filling the living area and will save matches and materials. Where winters are cold, this skill may mean the difference between life and death, as well as whether freezing temperatures result in frost damage to your home.

Things You'll Need

  • Ash shovel
  • Ash bucket
  • Newspaper or empty paper sacks
  • Wood shavings
  • Kindling
  • Dry firewood
  • Matches
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    • 1

      Check the stove to see if ashes have built up. Remove the ash pan from beneath the firebox and empty it. Shovel ashes out of the firebox into the ash bucket. Locate the stove damper or draft mechanism and open it fully. On stoves with an ash pan door below the firebox door, set the ash pan door ajar.

    • 2

      Set a supply of wood shavings, chips or very small kindling pieces near the stove. Wad up newspaper and throw it into the firebox. Or tear paper sacks into fourths, and wad and place the pieces one by one in the firebox.

    • 3

      Lay shavings, chips or small kindling pieces on top of the paper material in a crisscross pattern. This allows air to circulate and helps a newly lit fire burn.

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      Crumple a separate sheet of newspaper or paper sack piece. Set it on top of the small wood pieces near the back of the stove. Strike a match, reach into the stove and light one edge of the paper you just placed. Or hold the paper just inside the stove while you light it, and toss it to the back.

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      Strike a second match to light the paper that is inside the stove near the front and upon which the kindling, shavings or chips rest.

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      Close the door to the firebox but leave the draft or damper in the open position and the ash box door ajar. Allow the fire to burn for five to 10 minutes.

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      Open the firebox door and insert at least two larger pieces of firewood. Leave a slight space between them. Add more to fill as desired, positioning the wood so that air can flow around the pieces.

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      Close the firebox and ash box doors. When the wood you just added is burning well, adjust the damper or draft mechanism to provide control of the rate of burn. Do not allow the fire to burn at extremely high heat for more than 10 minutes, as high heat can damage the stove.

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