How to Teach Yourself to Sing

Singing is something almost everyone enjoys doing, but many people let self-consciousness over their own signing ability ruin it for them. If you feel that way, try singing by yourself for a while. Just by singing songs you like and mimicking singers you admire, you can become much better and gain the confidence you need to sing in front of others.

Things You'll Need

  • CD player
  • MP3 player
  • Tape recorder
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    • 1

      Find a few songs that are within your range. Try singing some songs you know well, and see if you can more or less hit all of the notes. If none of them feel too high or too low to hit, the songs are in your range.

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      Practice the songs a lot. Sing in an environment where you feel comfortable and relaxed, since stress can choke up your singing voice. There's no reason you can't practice your singing in the shower!

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      Sing along with recordings of the songs you have been practicing. After a while, record yourself singing along with those songs.

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      Listen to your recordings to hear how you sound. Are you in tune? Are you singing at the right volume? Is your voice expressive?

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      Practice some more, trying to correct any mistakes in your singing. Once you have done that, make a new recording of yourself singing.

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      Try out some different singing styles. Find a few different artists you really like, and try to sing like them. Don't worry if all you are doing is mimicking. You can always make the style your own later.

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      Join a choir. When you feel comfortable enough with your voice and your ability to sing in tune, try joining a local choir. You will learn a lot about how to sing just from working with more experienced singers.

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