How to Teach Yourself Arabic Script

Learning how to write Arabic script involves learning how to read and comprehend some Arabic words. The Arabic language is largely phonetic. Arabic reading and writing skills are based primarily on a three-letter root word system. This is easy enough to start understanding if you think of the Arabic language as being similar to text messaging in English.

Things You'll Need

  • Arabic workbooks
  • Calligraphy pen (optional)
  • Paper
  • Pen and pencil
  • Note cards
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  1. Preparation

    • 1

      Purchase basic Arabic workbooks for yourself to learn Arabic at home. There are quite a few technical books available for students who plan to make careers out of reading, writing and speaking Arabic, yet for a beginner the reference and resource titles listed below will suffice.

    • 2

      Purchase calligraphy pens of different widths if you are interested in learning the artwork of Arabic calligraphy along with the Arabic alphabet and reading and writing. Purchase a pad of paper, pens and pencils, along with some recipe note cards so that you can create your own flash cards for Arabic words.

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      Set aside a minimum of one hour, at least three days a week, in your schedule to allow yourself enough time to seriously learn Arabic script. Study Arabic writing in a quiet area. It is not a task that is easy to do with other distractions going on and requires serious thought.

    Learning Arabic Script

    • 4

      Read and perform the step-by-step tasks in the first three to four pages in each of the workbooks you purchased. While you are reading through the books, make sure to take plenty of notes.

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      Use your recipe note cards to practice copying the Arabic letters and script so that later on you can practice what you learned. Practice by yourself with the flash cards you create. Arabic alphabet symbols are written in very specific ways, and are also written differently depending on where they appear in an Arabic word.

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      When writing and reading Arabic, vowels are left out. You will learn about writing Arabic vowels later. Arabic has special symbols for words with double consonants. As you progress in your study books, you will learn more about those Arabic letter symbols.

    • 7

      Practice often, and keep a regular schedule with learning Arabic script.

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