How to Teach Yourself to Type

If your typing method is not fast enough to accomplish your Web surfing and word processing needs, it is never too late to teach yourself to type using the home keys method.

Things You'll Need

  • Computer, typewriter or word processor
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  1. Teaching Yourself to Type

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      Look down at the middle row of letters on your keyboard. The "home keys" are "A," "S," "D," "F" on the left and "J," "K," "L," ";" on the right.

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      Line up your fingers on these keys. Your left pinky finger should be on the A key; left ring finger on the S key; left middle finger on the D key and left pointer finger on the F key.
      Your right pointer finger should be on the J key; your right middle finger should be on the K key; your right ring finger on the L key and your right pinky finger on the ; key.
      Lightly rest your fingers on these keys. Your thumbs should be positioned above the space bar, and your right pinky finger is in charge of reaching out for the "backspace" button.

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      Learn which finger will be responsible for each letter on the entire keyboard. Generally, each finger will type the letter above and below each home key; for example, your left pointer finger on the F key will type R and V. Think of the keyboard as being divided into a series of diagonal rows, starting with Q, A and Z and ending with P, ; and /. Each finger is responsible for an entire row.

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      Notice that the keys in the center of the keyboard break up the pattern slightly, causing the pointer fingers on each hand to reach out a little more. Your left pointer finger types T, G and B, while your right pointer finger types Y, H and N.

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      Practice typing the home keys and the letters around them. Each time your fingers leave the home keys to type another letter, they should return immediately to the "home" position.

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      Get used to the feel of typing, and try to type without looking at the keyboard. Memorize where the letters are, and establish muscle memory in your fingers through practice. Try typing the alphabet without looking at your fingers, and try to increase your speed as you go. Find some printed paragraphs that you can type for practice.

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