How to Build a Word Vocabulary

An extensive, properly utilized vocabulary can open a lot of doors. In addition to spoken communication, those with a larger vocabulary can enrich their written communication. Having a large word vocabulary makes it easier to choose precisely the word you mean for any given occasion. Growing your vocabulary doesn't mean accumulating a collection of difficult and obscure words. It does mean you will have a more nuanced appreciation of the English language.

Things You'll Need

  • Dictionary
  • Thesaurus
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    • 1

      Keep an inventory of words you don't know. When reading books, magazines or newspapers, keep a pen and paper handy. Write down words you don't recognize or words whose meanings in the specific context confuse you.

    • 2

      Look words up in the dictionary. Consult the dictionary for definitions of words you do not understand. Read all of the definitions, taking care to try to understand the potentially subtle differences among definitions.

    • 3

      Use a thesaurus. A thesaurus will provide you with synonyms and antonyms for the word you have just looked up. A thesaurus will provide you with words that have similar meanings.

    • 4

      Look up any synonyms or antonyms you do not recognize in a dictionary.

    • 5

      Write sentences with your new words. Try to use every different meaning of the word to get a firm grasp on the differences among them.

    • 6

      Try to use one of your new words every day in verbal communication.

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