How to Learn Conversational Latin

Latin is not only a beautiful language, it's a helpful one. Learning any Romance language is easier after you know Latin, since it's the language they're derived from. Learning Latin can also help improve your English vocabulary; while English is technically a Germanic language, many of its words have a root in Latin (usually going through Old French first). Catholics also often want to learn Latin, since it's the official language of the Vatican.


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      Learn the fundamentals of English first.Study things such as nouns, verb tenses and sentence structure. This will allow you to more easily transition into Latin.

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      Look for any course offerings at a local university. Community colleges rarely teach Latin, but, if you don't have a university nearby, it can't hurt to check.

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      Invest in books for learning Latin if you have to teach yourself. Look for ones geared toward beginning students. Examples of these are the Oxford Latin Course and Wheelock's Latin. Also invest in a Latin-English/English-Latin dictionary.

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      Make flashcards for yourself when you reach any new topics in grammar. Make sure you've memorized and understood each declension and conjugation chart as it comes along. You should start out by learning the first three declensions by heart for at least the nominative and accusative cases.

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      Make vocabulary flashcards for yourself, and try to include at least one derivative of the word in English. This will help with the Latin retention, and can also expand your English vocabulary as well. For example, on a flashcard for "pugnax," you could include the definition ("combative") and the English word "pugnacious," which means the same thing.

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      While you should learn basic pronunciation (such as the vowel and consonant sounds) while learning the basics of grammar, leave off scansion (studying the length of syllables) for a time when you're more comfortable with the language. Because Latin is a dead language, reading comprehension is more important than precise pronunciation.

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