Medical Coder Online Training

Online medical coding training offers the flexibility to learn medical coding at home. This type of training prepares would-be medical coders in medical terminology, ICD-9 and CPT coding procedures, and in anatomy and physiology. Allied Medical School, an online college, offers an online program in medical coding.
  1. Training

    • Allied Medical School provides a complete online medical coding program. The school offers a medical coding online course as well. The program introduces students to medical terminology, anatomy and physiology and coding. Some of the competencies students will gain include identification of surgical notes and laboratory techniques, knowledge of diagnoses and procedures, and an understanding of common pathological conditions and diseases.


    • As of August 2010, the cost of Allied Medical School's online medical coding program was $2,464. However, those interested in Allied Medical School's online medical coding course can expect to pay a cheaper tuition rate of $1,588. In addition, the school offers a five-level tuition payment plan.


    • Upon successful completion of the online medical coding program, coders can obtain certification and become a Certified Professional Coder (CPC). Coders must take and pass an examination administered by the American Academy of Professional Coders.


    • According to, as of August 2010, the average annual salary for a medical coder is $45,000.

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