How to Make Online Training Fun

Bring a smile to your online students by adding interesting elements to your course. By creating personal interaction within your online course, students can feel as if they are a part of a real classroom. Use videos, serving both entertainment and educational purposes, and keep your students' minds sharp by offering short quizzes throughout the course. Make your course different by allowing students to create goals for themselves at the beginning of the course. Students will, in essence, be in competition with themselves throughout the course.


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      Incorporate videos within your online training. For educational purposes, film an active and interesting speaker who has deep insight into the field. Have the speaker cover the topics the course will offer. Break up the video and spread throughout the text. In addition, add snippets of sitcoms and videos dealing with topics covered.

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      Create short quizzes containing five to 10 questions. If the material covered is broken up into chapters, upload a quiz after each chapter. If not, break up the material by topic. Create a quiz for each topic.

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      Allow students to create goals. They can deal with grades or the amount of time it takes to complete the training. Throughout the training, let students know how close they are to reaching their goals. This encourages competition and motivation.

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      Add mild humor to your training. "Adding humor to any style of presentation regardless of the audience or topic, can, like the old sugar with the cough syrup trick, help make any message go down just a little smoother," says the Training website. Humor also adds a personal touch in a highly technical environment.

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      Create an online forum on your training website for students to further discuss topics and raise questions. Create an additional forum, hosted by instructors or experts, to further assist students with questions concerning topics and course navigation issues. Ensure a professional will constantly be available to answer questions.

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      Offer personal interest courses. They can range from teaching skills to learning languages.

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