How to Use a Tablet PC in College

What the laptop computer did for portability, the tablet PC takes one step further for college note taking. Often fitted with Microsoft OneNote, a program that allows users to "write" on the tablet using a stylus, these new computers take down the wall between laptop users and professors to supply a discreet use of technology. These durable tablets offer wireless Internet and standard operating systems, allowing users release documents onto their desktops without changing format.


  1. Creating a Document

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      Open the Journal function from the desktop. You may also purchase and download Microsoft OneNote if it wasn't included with your tablet purchase. The program retails for $99.

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      Create a new notebook for each class. Within OneNote, click the "File" drop-down menu, and then select "New" and "New Notebook." The program then prompts you to choose a name and template for your notebook.

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      Click "Next," and choose the "I will use it on this computer" radio button. The next window will ask you to choose a place on the hard drive to save your notebook.

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      Right click the "New Section 1" tab to select a different name, such as the date you are taking notes or the textbook chapter the lecture is covering. To create additional sections, select the "File" drop-down menu, and choose "New" and then "Section." You may create as many sections as you like.

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      Using the stylus, take notes as you would with a pencil and paper notebook. The program saves the document in your handwriting, which you can email to friends who have skipped class. You can also save the file to your desktop.


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      Write appointment reminders and things to remember on your tablet without scrambling around for a pen and paper.

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      Project images from your tablet for a presentation using the Project feature, which you can find on the desktop.

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      Bring your tablet PC to collaboration meetings to take notes for your group project. You can send the notes via email after the meeting.

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      Simplify formula creation by using the Write Anywhere feature to write directly into Microsoft Excel cells.

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