Good Things for Care Packages for College Students

Sending a child off to school is one of the hardest things a parent has to do. For most freshmen it's the first time they've left home, and for their parents the first experience of letting go. The transition from full-time parent to empty-nester is almost as hard as the one from dependent child to self-reliant adult. Packages from home are one way to let students know you're thinking of them.
  1. Commercial

    • There are a number of companies that make a business of putting together student care packages. Look at several before placing an order, because there are a lot of variations on the theme and you'll want to pick one that fits your student. As with any online order you should check online reviews for negative feedback about the company. Also, be sure you understand the company's shipping policies and charges before you pull out that credit card. If you're concerned that buying from a commercial site isn't personal enough, they'll still be a source of ideas.


    • Students who are away from home for the first time aren't necessarily forward thinkers where the practical details of life are concerned. Independent living is all new to them, and they're supposed to be focused on their studies anyway. That leaves the door wide open for a thoughtful parent to provide some logistical support. A spare rechargeable for the MP3 player or smart phone, and packages of AA and AAA batteries for everything else, would be welcome. Better yet, pick up one of those new charging grids that will charge up several different devices simultaneously.


    • Food is always welcome, so look for things that can be stored at room temperature. There are lots of vacuum-packed meals on the market, either freeze-dried or heat-and-serve, usually marketed for hikers and campers. Focus on things that can be prepared with a microwave or boiling water. Anything homemade is especially good, as long as it has the shelf life. Also, don't forget to send a pick-me-up at exam time. Dried fruit provides a healthy boost for blood sugar, while energy drinks and chocolate-covered espresso beans work for those all-nighters.


    • The first year or two away from home can be a bit tough, but there are lots of thoughtful little things you can do. Try sending a DVD from time to time with messages and scenes from home, or a USB thumb drive loaded with pictures. For those inevitable moments of depression and discouragement, hand write several notes with messages of love and encouragement. Roll them up and put them in pill bottles with labels like "Antidepressant" or "Mood-Altering Substance." Write up a prescription for them to be taken as needed. Laughter is the best medicine, after all.

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